Thursday 19 May 2016


The bioluminescence is the ability of organisms to cretae and emit light.

This ability is mainly found in marine animals, this is the 90℅ of the animals in the ocean, fpr exmple the jellyfish. It is also found in insects like the glow worm.

Bioluminescence is a ‘cold light'. Cold light means less than 20℅ of the light generates thermal radiationor heat. All these chemical reactions release energy that produces light.

Well, this awesome capacity in some animals have several advantages:
- It helps to scientists and artists alike. Biologists and engineers are studying the circumtances involved in bioluminescence to undestand how people can use the process to make life easier and safer. For example  it could help light city and highways, which would reduce the need for electricity.
- And this is also used by living things to hunt their prey, to defend against predators, find mates, and execute other vital activities ( communication with other animals).

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