Wednesday, 25 May 2016


You may soon be eating genetically modified fish without even knowing it.
The first genetically modified animal intended for the table has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, and the agency is not requiring the company who makes it to label the fish as genetically engineered. 
The AquAdvantage salmon has been genetically modified to grow faster than conventional salmon.
The animal is made by introducing a piece of recombinant DNA — a type of DNA that's formed by merging the genetic material of different organisms — into the salmon that makes it grow to market size much more quickly than no genetically modified salmon will.
The FDA said in a statement issued Thursday that Aqua Bounty’s fish had to meet several requirements to gain approval. Among them, the fish has to be safe to eat, the changing of its DNA can't be harmful to the fish, and that it has to actually grow faster, as the company is claiming.
The FDA has determined that the fish is as 
safe and nutritious as no genetically modified fish.

In that photo we can see the diference between a no genetically modified fish and a fish that had been modified.

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